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You Spin Me Right Round

November 11, 2009

The way the economy has jacked with our budget, I have decided that handmade gifts (more than usual) are going to be on the to-do list for Christmas.  I can bang out a hat in a day or two (same for a pair of mittens), and to save on supplies, I’ve started to spin up some of my stash of wool that I’ve had in storage.  I went hunting for yarn the other day and was shocked at how much dyed unspun wool I had.  My girls are going to get kitty & devil hats.  The aunts will be getting hat/mitten combos (or just hats if I run out of time).  I’d love to try to bang out a few hat/scarf combos for the guys, but scarves take much longer than I think they will.  Every time.  If I get through my dyed wool (the good stuff, not the itchy stuff), then I might actually dye and spin some more.  I also have some of my first yarn that I spun (a TON of it) that is asking to be made into a shawl or poncho like item.

What I find interesting is that the reason I’m moving toward handmade gifts is probably the reason the craft was developed in the first place.  It’s much cheaper to make it yourself than to pay for something pre-made.  Well, maybe not nowadays, but considering that I have a substantial stash I think the economics work out in my favor.  Seriously, I need to get things in order in my stash area.  I was shocked with how much I have.  Creativity will have to be sparked so I can come up with projects to use up my yarn.  I’m considering a bit of a yarn diet.  Oh, except for that stuff I ordered the other day for a hat.  I swear, I didn’t have any comparable yarn in my stash!

One Comment leave one →
  1. November 29, 2009 10:20 am

    We are thinking the exact same thing! I just explained my new Christmas knitting plan to my husband in which I need to knit a hat or pair of mitts every couple of days so he could prepare himself as that means less (no) time for house cleaning, lol!

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